Friday 1 January 2010

Poster and webpage research

From researching the industry and the ways in which music companies promote artists it is customary to produce posters, websites, magazine adverts, billboards and even TV ads advertising new products and videos. Therefore I have gone on to look at posters and website images in more detai
l to get a clear idea as to what would be expected of me regarding industry standards. I have done a lot of previous research regarding websites for past productions so therefore I already have a clear insight into the Language and representations used in the designs, so instead I have focused my attention more on the images themselves.
I have taken a selection of promotional Photos to analyse so I know the direction to take with my own images and products.

This first image is the cover image for Ashley's website. The photo itself is heavily processed with brushes and textures used as overlays to add design flare and visual appeal. The picture gives direct eye contact with audiences establishing a connection as well as presenting the artist with a rougher edge due to styling and make up. The colours and lighting used in the image add a more youthful touch to the photo and in a way make the artist appear even further away from normality. This has also been created by photo retouching and enhanced facial features in editing software. I love the colours used and I think this sort of effect would work really well for a website.

The next image is an advertisement for Ashley's debut album release on iTunes. like the previous image, colour plays an important part in the overall effect creating continuity throughout all of the products. Again in terms of representation the clothing, styling and overall look of the artist is a complete contrast to her defining platinum white hair and cookie cutter pop star image. Her posture and styling indicate a rougher edge and it is as if her music company are almost trying to create an entire opposite of her original image. This is something I have to consider really carefully in the construct of my own poster, keeping image and representation in mind as well as fandom and target a
udience. Again the image shows direct eye contact yet there is an attitude in the picture. The text almost appears as important as the main image and the font face continues the connotations of an edgier, rockier style.

The third Image is my favourite, however it appears heavily processed and almost unachievable for the average teenage girl. The rockier edge is continued once again and almost a complete transformation is apparent here. Eye contact is vital in making this image work as well as body language. The use of lilac in the text adds continuity and flow with the image due because it links to the clothing colour. In regards to audience, it would seem that this particular artist is trying to branch away from her Disney bubble and find her own two feet with older fans. In order to do this darker colours, edgier styling, and clever editing have been used to construct an image.

In reflection I have learnt that in order to create successful promotional items you need to consider the representation of the artist as well as taking into consideration continuity in colour, text and styling. There is a constant theme running through all products whether that be colour, images or costume, this is something I have to take great care of in regards to the design of my own promo products.

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