Monday 14 September 2009

September 14/09/09

"music is the art of thinking with sounds"

Okay, the serious part, music choice. The right song can make or break any artist and the same can also be said for music videos. Music videos have the ability to define image and create a fandom that rejects diversion from genre conventions. This is something to seriously consider when choosing my song as each artist comes with its own fan base and creating a music video that diverts from fan expectations and genre characteristics could potentially have a negative effect. From the list of songs i drew up before I have managed to level it down to 2 potential songs:

It's alright it's okay
Ashley Tisdale

This particular song is extremely 'poppy' in reflection, however the lyrics and the beat of would make a great starting point for coming up with a video idea. The lyrics of the song would make for an interesting illustrative video, it would also work with my original ideas for filming parts of the video in a fair ground environment where I can exploit lighting, frames and resources.

You told me
There's no need
To talk it out
Cause its too late
To proceed
And slowly
I took your words
And walked away

No looking back
I wont regret, no
I will find my way
I'm broken
But still I have to say

It's Alright, it's OK
I'm so much better without you
I won't be sorry
It's Alright, it's OK
So don't you bother what I do
No matter what you say
I wont return
Our bridge has burned down
I'm stronger now
It's Alright, it's OK
I'm so much better without you
I won't be sorry

The opening versus and chorus of the song suggest a break up between a young couple where the girl has realised she no longer needs her boyfriend in her life. Due to the very visual lyrics it would make sense to create a video following the visuals because it would automatically fit into the genre conventions of the pop world as well as allow opportunities to include artist cuts and edits showing some sort of singing and performing.
From researching the artist herself, it is clear to see that her 'sugar pop; image has been grown out of the tween fan-base and very much centered around the idea of celebrity lifestyle rather than music necessarily, you could almost go as far to say her music is almost to manufactured. From looking at articles and images of the artist it has become apparent in recent months that she is trying to move away from the cookie cutter image and make some more adventurous moves in music and image, this would be something to consider when designing a video. in regards to fandom, her music is very much made to fall into the new tween phenomena of the 21st century stemming from the likes of High school musical, Hannah Montanna and the Jonas Brothers. Tween fans require catchy rhythms and tunes that they can sing along to create dance routines as well as showing the artists in such a light that presents them as the ideal idol to emulate.

Depending on my choice of song I will look more deeply into the area of target audience so i can draw ideas from it.

Anywhere but here
Safety Suit
This song in particualr is one of my favourites, and I really feel that given the right resources I could really make an amazing video, however like most things there are limitations on what I can realistic acheive. This song evokes very strong feelings to its listeners and in some respects is more about the lyrics than the music itself. Like the song above a more illustrative video would be most appropriate as the lyrics once again paint a very vivid narrative picture to audiences. The music and beat itself is slower than my first option but the build up creshendo at the end of the song makes perfect editing opportunities to create a very dramatic ending. Once again I did some research into the artist themselves and Safety suit are a relaticely new band with a very alternative fandom. There music speaks to nicher audiences but at the same time elements of their music appeal to a more mainstream music genre. In terms of the music video I would perhaps consider not using the band in the video at all and stick completely to a narrative based video.
Deffinately a strong contender to think about, I like the editing capabilties in this song due to the drumming base line and the beats themselves, it would make interesting viewing.

Right, decision time...............

Being completely honest I would have to say that the first song would allow me the opportunity to create a video that I can make successfull and professional with a clear representation in regards to image. As much as I like the 2nd song I think that the initial Ideas I had for the video wouldn't translate well on screen and consequently my video wouldnt be the best I could make it as i don't have the resources or the budget to fulfill my ideas to my satisfaction.
So.. after much deliberation my final song choice = It's alright it's Okay by Ashley Tisdale.
I think I should get on to looking at the song in more depth and jot down some initial ideas before I start drawing up my flat plans.

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