Friday 30 October 2009


Thinking about filming.....

After planning my music video, logically the next step is to start filiming. Before I start to film I know that I will have to go back and refilm parts of the video that I dont' think would work as well as going away and filming more footage to add into the video because it will be almost impossible to film the entirety of my music video in one go.

Considering the fact I want to have part of my music video situated inside a Fair ground, including shots of the rides themselves I will have to venture out to the local annual fair. Most of my shots I plan to film using hand held camera work to simulate a homemade movie which will make audiences feel a bit more personal towards the video itself. As well as challenging some of the pop genre music video conventions by having hand held camera work I also aim to include tripod camera work with a series of voyeuristic shots, and narative sequences to translate the message in my music video. Voyeurism is something that appeared quite a lot in the analysis of other music videos so I feel I should have a lot of emphasis on creating similar shots.

Due to lack of budget and limited resources I think that the best ideo would be to shoot these scenes inside my own house, that way I can control the location as well as the surrounding aspects, making it less time consuming and in the end it will create a more professional looking video.

Tuesday 20 October 2009

October 20/10/09


Finally, I have finished my research and have put together a slideshow to show the culmination  of all of my final ideas. The treatment details camera work, mood, concepts and location as well as costume and actors. It is what I will refer to when I come to make my music video. 

October 20/10/09


The images above all consist of the actors that are going to be in my music video. Starting from the top....

Sarah and Conor
Abby Kate & Lily
Hannah (me) and Lily
The actors I have used fit comfortably into my audiences fandom and target age groups. They are around the same age as the main artist my music video which gives younger audiences a sense of maturity and allows them to look to these people as role models. Part of creating this image is clothing and hair as well as lighting and framing.

Monday 12 October 2009

The Tween bubble!

Tweens going mad for pitch perfect pop is nothing new, but what no body could have predicted is the monopoly Disney and their clean cut squeaky clean teen pop sensations could have.

"The underlying message is about self esteem (and now diversity), which is developmentally appropriate and scores points with mom and dad. They also have a million brand extensions that appear on multiple platforms (magazines, web, music, stuff). The Sprouslings (I mean the Sprouse twins) are also magazine editors, the Cheetah Girls, Hannah Montana and their predecessor, Hilary Duff all act and sing and probably can dance, too (although I think the tripple threat here is acting, singing and licensing tons of stuff — The Olsen Twins were the real trailblazers here). So when you take the natural, normal desire of tweens to obsess over their pop idols, throw in a few more platforms and please parents you have the perfect storm for potential tween success."

The disney pop bubble has quite literally taken over the tween world, with acts such as Miley Cyrus, Zac Efron, The jonas Brothers and Ashley tisdale leading the way, most notably Hannah Montanna/Miley cyrus, "The Queen of teens."This 16 year old teen has the ability to turn young girls in to minature disney clones, perhaps not a bad thing due to the morals and social choices that Disney seem to enforce. Ashley Tisdale (my chosen singer), however is ditching the disney bubble for a new edgier look. She states she is just growing up and hopes her fans will grow with her. Yet it would seem that we have seen this before, perhaps history repeating itself. Britney spears was once Disney's poster child, innocent, clean cut pop Idol, yet in recent years it has become apparent that the image created by Disney was a lie, made up for parental approval and mass record sales.

Although it may look as if history is repeating itself, fans and tweens don't seem to care. They are to caught up in the whirl wind to think about the logistics and the business behind their Idols. These tween fans are very much driven by the need to find an idol, and icon to look up to and imitate, Disney appears to have fulfilled that need and don't seem to going away anytime soon. These cookie cutter pop stars, seem like the perfect package but whether or not their image is a construct is another matter entirely. 

Tuesday 6 October 2009

October 6/10/09


I have decided to post the lyrics in order to show how the lyrics lend themselves to a more narrative based music video, as well as highlighting the chorus to show the areas of the song in which I aim to emphasise. I aim to produce a podcast to show in more detail the ways I aim to portray the lyrics and my initial ideas.

You played me, betrayed me
Your love was nothing but a game
Portrayed a role
You took control
I couldn't help but fall
So deep
But now I see things clear

It's alright, okay
I'm so much better without you
I won't be sorry
Alright, okay
So don't you bother what I do
No matter what you say
I wont return
Our bridge has burnt down
I'm stronger now
Alright, okay
I'm so much better without you
I won't be sorry

Don't waste your fiction tears on me
Just save them for someone in need
It's way to late
I'm closing the door

October 6/10/09


The location of my music video is something that I have put a lot of thought into. I want there to be a contrast in my music video between the locations to emphasize the change in emotion and tone. I plan to use light to highlight this contrast, mainly by having the verses shown in daylight and natural light whereas the chorus will be shown using manipulated and artificial light during the night. 
My idea of having my music video set in a fair ground will be perfect in showing the contrast in tone as there will be opportunities for me to manipulate the strobe and neon lighting to highlight certain colours to evoke specific emotions. 

The pictures above were taken using a digital IS 400 SLR camera, they were taken whilst I was at chalkwall fair. I took them with the idea in mind that I could use them as part of my digi pack and use them within my dvd design templates. 
Whether or not they would work as a front image cover I will have to wait and see but as an insert they will fit in well with my music video ideas as well as using them on a web home page and Poster that I plan to design to advertise my music video.