Tuesday 6 October 2009

October 6/10/09


I have decided to post the lyrics in order to show how the lyrics lend themselves to a more narrative based music video, as well as highlighting the chorus to show the areas of the song in which I aim to emphasise. I aim to produce a podcast to show in more detail the ways I aim to portray the lyrics and my initial ideas.

You played me, betrayed me
Your love was nothing but a game
Portrayed a role
You took control
I couldn't help but fall
So deep
But now I see things clear

It's alright, okay
I'm so much better without you
I won't be sorry
Alright, okay
So don't you bother what I do
No matter what you say
I wont return
Our bridge has burnt down
I'm stronger now
Alright, okay
I'm so much better without you
I won't be sorry

Don't waste your fiction tears on me
Just save them for someone in need
It's way to late
I'm closing the door

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