Tuesday 6 October 2009

October 6/10/09


The location of my music video is something that I have put a lot of thought into. I want there to be a contrast in my music video between the locations to emphasize the change in emotion and tone. I plan to use light to highlight this contrast, mainly by having the verses shown in daylight and natural light whereas the chorus will be shown using manipulated and artificial light during the night. 
My idea of having my music video set in a fair ground will be perfect in showing the contrast in tone as there will be opportunities for me to manipulate the strobe and neon lighting to highlight certain colours to evoke specific emotions. 

The pictures above were taken using a digital IS 400 SLR camera, they were taken whilst I was at chalkwall fair. I took them with the idea in mind that I could use them as part of my digi pack and use them within my dvd design templates. 
Whether or not they would work as a front image cover I will have to wait and see but as an insert they will fit in well with my music video ideas as well as using them on a web home page and Poster that I plan to design to advertise my music video. 

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