Friday 30 October 2009


Thinking about filming.....

After planning my music video, logically the next step is to start filiming. Before I start to film I know that I will have to go back and refilm parts of the video that I dont' think would work as well as going away and filming more footage to add into the video because it will be almost impossible to film the entirety of my music video in one go.

Considering the fact I want to have part of my music video situated inside a Fair ground, including shots of the rides themselves I will have to venture out to the local annual fair. Most of my shots I plan to film using hand held camera work to simulate a homemade movie which will make audiences feel a bit more personal towards the video itself. As well as challenging some of the pop genre music video conventions by having hand held camera work I also aim to include tripod camera work with a series of voyeuristic shots, and narative sequences to translate the message in my music video. Voyeurism is something that appeared quite a lot in the analysis of other music videos so I feel I should have a lot of emphasis on creating similar shots.

Due to lack of budget and limited resources I think that the best ideo would be to shoot these scenes inside my own house, that way I can control the location as well as the surrounding aspects, making it less time consuming and in the end it will create a more professional looking video.

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