Wednesday 30 December 2009

Digipak Research

Before I start designing my digipak it would be sensible to look at industry standard promotional products so I can look at common conventions and apply them to my own work. Just from searching for didgpaks I have found it quite hard to find ones that would help me in terms of genre and style so I have subsequentl choosen to look at and research CD covers and tour DVD's just for a few ideas, I think that the same ideas used i nthese products would be applied to the digipaks anyway.

The first item is the cover image from Miley Cyrus's debut album. Her fan base and style of music appeal very much to the same audience as my artist, tween pop culture, if not a little younger. There is direct eye contact with teh audience and the props in the image present clearly and quickly what the image is promoting and representing. Her clothes represent and youthful image aswel as her body position which emphasises a more laid back and playful representation. The colours in the image are also very youthful and playful which build apon the fandom and representation of the artist. The artists name is made the most prominant fearture of the image and the font used also connotes a more playful and youthful imafe due to the use of the lower case letters and the star in the center of the text. From the cover it is easy to determine the taregt audience of the artists without having to look to hard for it. I think that this is the most important thing to consider when designing your own music products, if your audience are not clear as to whether or not your product is meant for them it will not be succesful.

The second product is taken from the actual artist that sings my chosen song. This is extremely helpful as it allows me to find a bench mark and a starting place in terms of representation and audience expectations. Unlike the previous product there is little eye contact with the audience and the colours connote a more mysterious and darker representation which would indicate that the target audience is perhaps a little olfer and more mature. The clothing would also indicate this. The darker colours of this product appeal more to me as a media student because it means that I can use hints of colour to emphasise specific aspects of the product, such as the use of pink in the title to highlight the name of the artist. The image itself is a more mysterious image than the one used previously but the second, smaller image in the background is the complete reverse of the main picture, which could indicate different sides of the artists music and style. Something to consider.

The final product is also taken from Ashley tisdale, the singer who sung my chosen song. This time the product is for the release of her album and the image is the cover for her self titled debut album. Unlike the product above colour has taken a more prominant part in the product but they still connote a more mature audience tham those used on the cover of Miley's album because of the use of high contrasts in the colours and the image sthat the colours connote. The text on the cover also indicates a more rebelious and mature audience, as well as the clothing anf styling of the artist emphasising an older generation aged between 17 - 20.

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