Tuesday 15 December 2009

Filming take 2

Filming... TAKE 1

Today I started to film the fair ground scenes of my music video. I filmed over three hours of footage to make sure I would have enough to look through and add into my music video during editing. It was harder to film than I intially would have expected maninly due to the amount of people that were passing by. There were plenty of opportunities for me to create interesting camera angles which I think will work really well in the finished video. One effect that I think will work really well includes footage of my talent on rides themselves, mostly hand held camera work. This has created a more personal feel and really higjlights expression and emotion, something I was aiming to emphasise. This style of camera work also makes use of the lights in the grounds themselves as the bright neon lights add an extra dimension to the sequences as well as making them look more professional.

And the rest.....

Okay, so woth the fair ground shots out of the way it was time for me to start work on the rest of the scenes.

Using my tripod and storyboard I spent a whole day inside my house setting up different shots and scenes that I thought would visually work as well as incorporate the message and emotion I wanted to include in my music video.
With images of voyeurism in mind I started looking into filming shots infront of a mirror, camera filming from behind whilst my talent was concentrating on her own self reflection. I am really happy with these shots and I think that will work really well in the finished product.
My researched has taught me that eye contact, the rule of thirds and angles are extremely important when filming music videos, so I stuck to these concepts whilst filming using a range of shots I have listed below...

Head shots
Medium Close ups
Over the shoulder shots
Tracking shots
Full body shots

I already had a strong sense of direction in my mind when I started to film my video and shots so filming the different scenes didn't take as long as I though it might have done. I think the shots I have so far will be a good starting point but untill I start to edit my footage I will not know how well they all work together, and I may have to go back and film some shots again and even include new shots entirely.

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