Wednesday 30 December 2009

The Digi-pak

So here it is ... My Digi-pack. 

I had some rough ideas in my mind before I started taking the photos and designing the product. I searched through image hosting websites to try and find some inspiration for my photo and from looking at my research and other photos I have come up with a few ideas as to what I want to include in my final image. 

Black and White saturation
Eye contact
Extreme Close up 
High Contrast between black and white highlights
Limited clothing to connote raw emotion 

A lot of decisions went into making this pack work, some of which include font choices, image choices and colour changes. As the image is the most important part of the entire product it took me a long time to make a final decision that I was happy with. I first held a photoshoot and went through numerous images until settling on the final image. Some of the other images are below. (The photos were all taken from a digital 450 SLR using a portable studio to really create a high contrast between light and dark)

This is one of the first pictures that was taken, it was on the right lines as to what I wanted to achieve but I just wasn't there yet. I didn't like the way the hair in the image looked and I also felt that there was not enough of the actual person in the photo.  

This was a second attempt and I was getting closer, the image looks like the photo I took for inspiration but I don't think the lack of eye contact in the image works and I also think that the photo should be taken front on, in a close up shot. 

This is one of the last photos that was taken and it was almost the perfect shot, or at least the one I was looking for. In order to achieve what I wanted I had to edit the image to create the desired effect. I used photoshop to edit the contrasts and saturation of the image, as well as cropping the frames and adjusting the highlights. 

When the editing was complete I added my final photo to my digipak to create ................. 

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