Tuesday 15 December 2009


Editing an tweaking....

I have finally started to edit the start of my music from the footage I have taken over the past few weeks. At first I felt a little intimidated and unsure where to begin but after referring my storyboards and treatment I took the plunge and started. So far I have the beginning verse and chorus to my music video but I have quite quickly realised I will definitely need to film moor footage in order to create different shot sequences to make it seem less repetitive. So far the carnival scenes work really well and are a good contrast between the emotion in the first verse, I think it allows audiences to get a clear understanding of the message in the video and especially highlighting the lyrics in a visual sense. The hardest part of the editing so far is by far the syncing, fortunately my research taught me never to film just one take of the same scene in order to give yourself options so I have got some of the same scenes shot 4 different times from different angles so if one shot doesn't work it is easy to find a replacement, one the is more visually pleasing and one that easier to sync.

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