Tuesday 15 December 2009

First Cut

First Cut

Okay so It has been a while since my last post and so far I have managed to go back and finish filming the remainder of my music video so I can see my first cut in practice and make any adjustments with plenty of time so I can make the best video I can possibly make.
I have completed my first draft and so far some problems that have arisen are:

Low lit shots
Shaky camera work
unknown software

My first cut has enabled me to see that some of my shots towards the end of my video are badly lit and cannot be lightened on the editing software because of the quality of the camera and the resolution, consequently I will have to go back and re-film these sequences but because I have already filmed them once it shouldn't be to difficult.
When I have done the re filming and re editing I will show my video to my focus group and get some feedback before I cut my final copy.

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